Thursday, February 19, 2009

*shrieks* b.r.i.g.h.t l.i.g.h.t.s

debate's a swirl.
they think i'm too OTT.

life's a loomingly coopersized sneaker filled with ole cheese.
but i don't like the cheese.

and the car is forever out of his lil hand's reach.
well, screw the car then.


translates into =

people ought to trade in their cars for free donuts.
here's the trade.
i give donut. u give car. =)

accident with the hairstylist causes me to lose the mojo.
lol. as if. i had. M>OO.

well.. subs i tried to be artsy.

but it ain't working.

i need ur dang whoopy batmobile.
with the BAT 63 no,
donut u donuttier. cracked sugar flicks too.

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