Thursday, July 10, 2008

feeeling~ * stop it dude effing out of tune! god...

zeke's party was last weekend,
not bad,lots of lambshanks and porkchops =P

jack and kuku trying their hardest to cook lamb.
as u can see. . .calista's havin a fun time trying to cut kua's handcooked lamb.

my 2 fav ppl at the party. {single finger = dave. 4 fingers and 1 thumb = subu}

heh heh. this is why guys shouldn't. ever. cook.

my first time ever having gurvinder singh up here.

after zeke's party we went to catch cheerleading.
i only managed to catched the encore. sorry tracy XP haha

at least i caught the encore.

i stil remember ian telling me how i missed the whole show.



happy birthday zeke

meet timmywella and mr square boob.

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