a cover of enter sandman done by the tuck in's.
So.....today's the day where the college finally hosts their iu day.
it was fucking fun. X) of course it was fucking fun.
it's ec. =)
got there early to do up the hall and everything.
ur typical frantic ''where in the hell is tat {insert someone's name} rite now?''
conversations flying around like gooses. pfft. novices.
by noon everything was practically done.
then the ppl started coming.
mr gurvinder's singh's thereaupatic session.
ppl of all types started coming.
from all schools.
ec guys, ian and gang came.
red tiger fella =) hehe.
sara came too.
Tanx for coming sis X)
really appreciate the support.
the show was goin on halfway.
suddenly someone walked in with her entourage.
it was fann.
man she was stunning. too bad i didn't take a photo eh? =P
perhaps kua has a photo.
mr greame setting up equipment.
pepperheads. just taking a pic. nothing else.
not bad eh?
my band played.
again our last song is the zephyr song.
let's just say we are getting into the groove of tat song. heh.
guys we rock socks.
after tat something kinda weird happened.
mr bryan decided tat we did a cover of enter sandman to thanks the rotarians and teachers.
without any warning we went up and started playing.
tat was like..
the most terrible jam of the year.
but it was fun.
super fun. X)
rite before mr tay nearly killed me for saying sorry once too many times. haha.
chris. kuku. tonch.
somebody yell bat outtta hell.
afterwards everyone kinda just stoned on the stairs.
a relaxed situation.
i like.
all in all..
not a bad day.