Saturday, May 10, 2008

mr tay's tag

5 things found in my bag.

1. earphones

2. junk magazine

3. books

4. pens

5. bottle

5 things found in my wallet.

1. cash

2. used up incubus ticket

3. hop's card

4. cash

5. more cash

5 favourite things in my room

1. bed.

2. bed.

3. guitar.

4. bed.

5. bed.

5 things I always wanted to do.

1. make a five wheeled car

2. go to bali again

3. learn to surf

4. graduate

5. make ah chai smoke weed.

5 things I'm currently into

1. pizza

2. incubus

3. anything but studies

4. taking a nap anywhere

5. watch my dogs take on the rats at my place

List out the top 5 presents you wish for

1. telecaster!

2. a better pc

3. a russian girlfriend. haha.

4. getting a car

5. another pair of boxers =)

The person who tagged you is : Tay the cruncha

Your 5 impressions of him/her
Hayley's best man. absolut drummer.excellent chemistry student.would be gay for wesley if he gives him his cooper. he would give it all away to have hayley haha

Tag 5 people:

eu chuan
janerrr =)

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